Wednesday, 1 January 2014

December Current Affairs 2013

Green India Mission may converge with MGNREGS, CAMPA

The ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) may look for private sector participation in the Rs 46,000-crore Green India Mission and is set for operational convergence with other schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Rural Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA).
The ambitious project plans to increase the country’s forest cover by another 10 million hectare area. The fund-starved mission is looking for approval of Rs 13,000 crore during 12th plan period, including convergence with MGNREGS, CAMPA and allocation of plan panel funds. The minist-ry of environment and forests (MoEF) is set to rope in private players for the agro-forestry part of creating new forest areas as per the plan. The National Mission for a Green India is one of the eight missions under “the National Action Plan on Climate Change” that aims to increase forest and tree cover on 5 million hectare area, improve quality of forest cover or create new on another 5 million ha area by 2020.

The convergence of GIM with various other projects would help the government to develop the scheme on a cluster basis.  The proposal is set to come  up   for consideration of  the expenditure finance committee for approval within a month.

The  proposal seeks convergence  worth  Rs 4,000 crore with 
MNREGA, Rs 6,000 crore from CAMPA. The Planning Commission has already provided an outlay of Rs 2,000 crore for 12th  plan. The mission got Rs 200 crore in 2012-13 from the National Clean Energy Fund for preparatory activities. 

As of now, 71 landscapes or clusters across 21 states are identified for the project and the state governments are in the process of identifying more landscapes.

Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.
Navdanya is a network of seed keepers and organic producers spread across 17 states in India.Navdanya has helped set up 111 community seed banks across the country, trained over 5,00,000 farmers in seed sovereigntyfood sovereignty and sustainable agriculture over the past two decades, and helped setup the largest direct marketing, fair tradeorganic network in the country.
Navdanya has also set up a learning center, Bija Vidyapeeth (School of the Seed / Earth University) on its biodiversity conservation and organic farm in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand, North India.Navdanya is actively involved in the rejuvenation of indigenous knowledge and culture. It has created awareness on the hazards of genetic engineering, defended people's knowledge from biopiracy and food rights in the face of globalisation and climate change. Navdanya is a women centred movement for the protection of biological and cultural diversity.

Maternal mortality ratio comes down to 178
With the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) — number of women who die of pregnancy-related causes per 1,00,000 live births — coming down to 178, India is inching forward to meet its global commitment to reduce the ratio to 109 by year 2015.
The latest MMR figures for 2010-2012, released by the Registrar-General of India suggest that the MMR had come down to 178 from 212, an annual decline of 5.7 per cent.
While Kerala has the lowest MMR at 66 as against 81 in 2007-2009 Sample Registration Survey figures, Assam tops the list in absolute numbers with 328 deaths per 1,00,000 live births, though the number has declined by 5.6 per cent from the previous figure of 390.
Tamil Nadu, which was at the second position in the last survey reporting only 97 deaths, has slipped to the third position with 90 deaths due to the better performance of Maharashtra, where the number of pregnancy-related deaths has come down to 87 from 104. West Bengal has managed to bring down maternal mortality from 145 to 117.
“The Millennium Development Goal now looks achievable. The figures are extremely encouraging and it shows that we have adopted the right strategies and are investing at the right places,” said Anuradha Gupta, Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission.
The eight Empowered Action Group (EAG) States, which traditionally had very bad health indicators, have shown remarkable achievements. Among these, Rajasthan has shown an annual decline of 16 per cent, with its figures falling from 318 to 255. Bihar/Jharkhand stands at 219 from 261, while 292 women still die in Uttar Pradesh from pregnancy-related deaths for every 1,00,000 live births. This figure is 230 in Madhya Pradesh/Chhattisgarh as against 269 in the 2007-09 survey. Pointing out that Tamil Nadu was showing stagnation, Ms. Gupta said Karnataka had done well by bringing down its MMR to 144 from 178 and in Andhra Pradesh it was 110 as against 134.
“The star performers in that order are Rajasthan, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The lowest decline is in Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Punjab,” Ms. Gupta said.
The Centre has launched several schemes under the NRHM for improving reproductive and child health, including Janani shishu Suraksha Karyakram, free transportation and focussing on adolescent health, whose full impact would be known only in the coming years. States have also taken measures to save mothers and infants.
In Bihar, the government has provided caesarean facilities at 60 places which have helped save lives. Early detection of complications, provision of ambulances, enlarging the pool of anaesthetists by training MBBS doctors and providing good residential facilities for doctors have vastly improved the situation in the State.
Armed forces use disability programme to reach out in far flung border areas
The Mission Ability beyond Disability, launched in 2005 by Anupama Singh, an accomplished painter, socialite and wife of former Army Chief General J. J. Singh, is being used by the armed forces to reach out to persons with disability (PwD) in far flung border districts of the country. As part of the mission, camps have been organised for distributing various devices to PwD in Kargil, the border regions of Jammu and Kashmir, Tamenglong in Manipur, and Tawang, Seppa and Zero in Arunachal Pradesh. The mission has also held a camp at the remote Little Andaman Island. The Mission Ability beyond Disability is being conducted under a collaborative arrangement by ALIMCO (under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment), the Heritage Foundation, various State governments, non-governmental organisations and other institutions.
Uttarakhand Lokayukta Act 2013 to be replaced
The Uttarakhand Lokayukta Bill was drafted under the leadership of former Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader B.C. Khanduri in 2011. The Bill got Presidential assent in September this year. The Uttarakhand Lokayukta Act has to be implemented before March 1, 2014.
However, the State government has decided to repeal the Act and replace it with a new Bill. The decision was taken in a Cabinet meeting. Mr. Bahuguna said: “The Cabinet gave a nod to repeal the Uttarakhand Lokayukta Act 2013 and bring in a new Bill that will be in conformity with the Centre’s Lokpal Bill.”
The new Lokayukta Bill proposes a five-member committee with two seats reserved.
“One seat will be reserved for a female candidate and the other for a candidate from the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), or the minorities,” Mr. Bahuguna said.
Union Cabinet Approved The Prevention of Communal Violence Bill 2013
The Union Cabinet on 16 December approved the Prevention of Communal Violence Bill 2013. The bill aimed to prevent and tackle the communal violence in the country and punish the perpetrators of the violence. The Bill has been named as The Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2013. The Bill has the provision of creating an institutional arrangement for speedy investigation, disposal of cases and for providing relief and rehabilitation to victims of communal violence. It also seeks imposition of enhanced punishment on persons involved in communal violence.
Creating a robust accountability system
In the reworked version, now named the Prevention of Communal Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2013, the Union government has taken on board the criticism heaped on the earlier draft by the BJP (that it was anti-Hindu) and by State governments (that it militated against the spirit of federalism). It has dropped the word “minority”, made the definition of a group affected by communal violence community-neutral and left the prevention and control of communal violence essentially to the States, with the Centre only playing a coordinating role.
The Bill may be flawed, but, surely, pondering over a document that wishes to create a robust accountability system and seeks to lay down national standards for the entire spectrum of provisions for victims of communal violence — including rescue, relief, compensation, rehabilitation, resettlement, restitution, reparation and recognising the rights of internally displaced persons — cannot be a bad thing, what with Muzaffarnagar still fresh in our minds.
For a new avatar of the AICTE
The present pitiable position of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) of is its own making. The AICTE, pre-Independent India’s recommendatory body, was in its 42nd year — in 1987 — vested with statutory powers through an Act of Parliament.  The parliamentary wisdom hoped that the AICTE would discharge its statutory role of maintaining the standards and coordinated development of technical education in the country. During the 1970s and a part of the 1980s, a large number of unrecognised private self-financing/capitation-fee institutions came into existence in several States and most of them were sub-standard institutions run on a commercial basis and predominantly concentrated in four States, viz., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. Twenty-six years after the statutory incarnation of the AICTE, such an imbalance continues to exist with its stamping approval. The issue of regional imbalance was pointed out but ignored by the AICTE through a self-appointed committee.
Coupled with regional imbalance was the resultant negative impact on the national quality of technical education. This writer pointed out, in  The Hindu on April 6, 1993, the AICTE’s functioning out of a two-bedroom flat with skeleton staff . Immediately, the MHRD made arrangements for a spacious building and appointment of necessary personnel in the AICTE. The personnel appointed were either retired, on deputation as an Advisor or on contract. This ‘triple personnel avatar’ affected three basic requirements in the functioning of a statutory body — accountability, transparency and continuity. Very rarely, the AICTE benefited from the aggregate wisdom of its three top posts — Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Member Secretary — and there were times when the AICTE was managed for many months with an official deputed from the Ministry.
The policy paralysis at the top manifested in different ways at all levels. When the AICTE was given statutory powers, the Ministry of Human Resource Development wrote to State governments that the AICTE would grant one-time approvals based on inspection of quality, infrastructure, etc., and that the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) to be set up by the AICTE would handle issues of withdrawal, renewal, etc. But it did not happen. Approval by the AICTE continues to be an annual paper exercise and even the High Court of Madras as early as 1990 deprecated the AICTE on granting of approvals subject to conditions on “temporary or provisional basis” against the provisions of the Act. The charitable approval policy of the AICTE also resulted in another suo motu admission of a writ petition by the Madras High Court recently, questioning the AICTE’s supportive role in the mindless mushrooming of engineering colleges.
On the issue of academics and curriculum, the story is no different. The AICTE published a model curriculum for the undergraduate engineering programme in the year 2000 which till date has not been updated. An attempt made by the AICTE to make engineering education multi-disciplinary by blending Science and Humanities never took off despite 1,000 man-days having been spent on it. The AICTE did not even have a copy of its funded research project report on MBA education in India.
The AICTE Act mandated the organisation to evolve a suitable performance appraisal system for technical institutions and universities and incorporate norms and mechanisms for enforcing institutional accountability and formulate schemes for the initial and in-service training of teachers. It is yet to be accomplished. In the early 1990s, the AICTE made an honest attempt to improve the quality of teaching faculty through its well-planned Early Faculty Induction Programme (EFIP). This successful EFIP was killed, however, without the stakeholders having been consulted, much to the grief of its many beneficiaries. In respect of diploma education, the AICTE suffers from the “all power, no responsibility” syndrome.  The AICTE chose to retain its power to grant approvals for polytechnics but all the other responsibilities are discharged by the respective Directorates of Technical Education or universities.
The AICTE failed miserably to even provide a model curriculum for diploma education. Professor V.C. Kulandaiswamy in 2000 rightly recommended that polytechnics, being extensions of Higher Secondary Schools and sub-university level education, must be left to State governments through the concerned universities. This was accepted and delegated to State Level Boards in 2001 but was withdrawn in 2010 because the delegation was done without proper provisions in the Act. The AICTE never bothered to fix the issue and continued to enjoy its “power without responsibility” status.
Prof. Kulandaiswamy rightly added that “there has been a progressive emasculation of the university system over the years. It is necessary to examine the desirability of weakening the universities which are grassroots-level institutions, by the AICTE taking over certain responsibilities that better remain with the universities. Also, if the AICTE takes over fully and faithfully all the responsibilities under clause 10 (k) devoting time to approve new institutions, new branches, new additions and involve itself in unending litigations, it may not be possible for it to fulfil all other functions under 10 (a) to 10 (v)”.
The AICTE did not realise the seriousness of the Prof. Kulandaiswamy’s recommendation and sought to continue with its “Approval Only” motto as if it were the organisation’s only function.
Consequential to the Supreme Court’s latest order withdrawing the AICTE’s powers of approval, the quality of technical education is at a crossroads. The proposed remedy that transfers power from one statutory body to the other, University Grants Commission (UGC) may become worse than the disease.

Hence, it is suggested that the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) should amend the Act with a five-point formula
(i) allow the AICTE to function as per the provisions of the Act under Section 10 (k) to grant approvals for new institutions and or new programmes as a one-time event only and not as an annual ritual;
 (ii) vest affiliating Universities with the power to enforce the AICTE guidelines/regulations;
(iii) leave diploma-level educational institution to Universities and State Directorates of Technical Education;
(iv) direct the organisation to concentrate on producing competent teachers for technical education and
(v) direct the promotion of innovations and research in all institutions based on competitive proposals besides attending to the other provisions of the Act. This five-point formula needs immediate legislation.
Cabinet clears constitutional status for Judicial Appointments Commission
The Union Cabinet gave its nod for conferring constitutional status on the proposed Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) for appointment and transfer of judges to the higher judiciary. The government earlier accepted the report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law and Justice, which recommended that the structure and functions of the JAC to replace the present collegium system be governed by a constitutional provision.
According to the proposal approved by the Cabinet, while new Article 124 A of the Constitution will define the composition of the JAC, Article 124 B will define its functions.
“We have made compromises to make the Bill palatable to all. We have satisfied all demands. The JAC Bill, 2013 with official amendments will be tabled in the Lok Sabha now,” Law Minister Kapil Sibal told reporters.
The constitutional amendment Bill has to be passed in Parliament by a two-thirds majority. The JAC Bill seeks to set up a six-member body under the chairmanship of the Chief Justice of India for recommending names to the President of individuals with outstanding legal acumen and impeccable integrity and credibility for judgeship in the Supreme Court and the High Courts. It would also recommend transfer of judges of one High Court to another.
The Constitution (120th Amendment) Bill, 2013, provides for the setting up of a Judicial Appointments Commission by inserting Article 124 (A) in the Constitution and amending Articles 124(2), 217(1) and 222(1). The structure and functions of the proposed commission are provided in the JAC Bill.
The parliamentary panel had said: “The present process adopted by the collegium of judges is beset with its own problem of opacity and non-accountability, besides excluding the Executive entirely in the collaborative and consultative exercise for appointment of judges. Because of inherent deficiencies in the collegium, as many as 275 judge posts  in various High Courts are lying vacant. This has a direct bearing on the justice delivery system and thereby affecting the judiciary. The committee, while suggesting amendments to the Bill, said there should be three eminent persons in the commission, instead of two as provided for in the present Bill, and at least one out of them should be an SC/ST/OBC/woman/minority, preferably by rotation. Considering the responsibility of the JAC to select 800-odd judges to 24 High Courts, and also the fact that constitutional and other functionaries are involved at the State-level in the process of appointment, it suggested State-level commissions also.
Commodity exchange boards get more teeth
Tightening corporate governance norms for commodity exchanges following NSEL scam, the Forward Markets Commission (FMC), asked their boards to scrutinise all major business decisions, as also financial powers of CEOs and transactions involving promoters and top management personnel. The boards of the exchanges would also have to ensure that appropriate checks and balances are in place with regard to costs incurred for donations, publicity, media and public relations, legal and other professional charges, among others.
In a directive issued to six national exchanges, including MCX, the FMC has stipulated the minimum requirement for sharing of information relating to functioning of the exchange with the board of directors. It also directed that the decisions relating to certain matters should be taken with the approval of the board of directors or the board committees.
“The board will lay down an appropriate procedure for delegation of financial powers to Managing Director/CEO. The expenditure incurred above a particular level need to be approved by the board or the audit committee,” the FMC said. The regulator said that prior approval of the board would be required in matter related to expenditure items such as capital expenditure, agreement/contract giving rise to recurring obligation for a period of more than three years, and loan/advances/guarantee/financial commitments.
Matters related to salaries, bonus, increments and compensation at the level of head of the department/ functional heads of the bourse would need the board approval. A prior approval of the board is required for “all financial transactions/loan/guarantees/deposits/financial commitment of any kind with parties/entities/individuals related directly or indirectly to the promoters/other shareholders or any party related to the exchange’s directors or management in any manner.” Following the Rs.5,500-crore payment crisis at NSEL, the FMC has been taking several measures to ensure accountability and transparency in the commodity futures market.
New norms- As per new norms, the board of the exchanges would lay down a policy for disclosure, conflict of interest and resolution thereof. The board would address all complaints of deviation from such policy. The exchange will execute, with the approval of the board, the liability insurance for directors to safeguard the professional liability of the board members arising from the performance of their duties for the exchange, the FMC said. The regulator also directed the exchanges to constitute a committee of the board on risk management. 
Bitcoin exchanges shut shop in India
India’s biggest Bitcoin trading platform,, suspended its operations, citing a recent Reserve Bank of India public advisory that highlighted the risks involved in dealing with virtual currencies.
The closure of, which sees about 12 million rupees of Bitcoin transactions every month, spooked other operators and users—with a number of other trading platforms such as INBRTC suspending services indefinitely. A substantial number of Indian Bitcoin users also started selling the digital currency in late-evening trades, according to price index Coin Market Cap, with most of them worrying over the potential fluctuation in global prices.
The central bank had, issued a notice, warning the public of the risks involved with virtual currencies while claiming that it could be used for money laundering and funding anti-terrorism activities. It stopped short, however, of issuing a ban or any other restrictions. Bitcoin and other virtual currencies have begun to gain widespread acceptance in India, despite poor Internet penetration and a natural scepticism to assets not backed by tangible entities such as land.
According to a senior banking official, most exchanges and Bitcoin ‘mining’ start-ups are reading the RBI’s advisory as a precursor to a possible clampdown, especially as the central bank has reportedly refused to talk with several exchanges and companies regarding regulation. While countries such as China have banned financial companies from Bitcoin transactions, various U.S government agencies have said that Bitcoins offer legitimate benefits. Some India Bitcoin companies, whether they are trading platforms or mining start-ups, however, are currently on the fence regarding continuing operations.
New Directors General of NSG and CISF Appointed 
The competent authority in the Central Government has approved the following: 

(i) Shri J.N.Choudhury, IPS(AM:78) as Director General, National Security Guard (NSG) with effect from the date of his joining the post and till his superannuation on 31.05.2015, or until further orders, whichever event takes place earlier. 

(ii) Shri Arvind Ranjan, IPS (KL:77), DG, NSG as Director General in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) from the date of taking over the charge of the post and till the date of his superannuation on 30.04.2015 or until further orders, whichever event takes place earlier. He will continue to hold the charge of the post of DG, NSG in addition to DG,CISF till joining of new incumbent or till further orders. 
Jn NURM Projects overview 2012-13
Cities have now become the engines of growth. The story of future growth of the country will be written in urban areas. In such a scenario, the cities will have to undergo a major makeover.  Urban planning, urban renewal and urban development assume unparalleled significance in this context.
It was towards this end that a massive programme of urban renewalJawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM),  was taken up in 2005 for a period of seven years envisaging an investment of more than Rs 1,00,000 cr with a central share of nearly Rs 66,00,000 cr. It has mainly two components:-
1.    UIG : Urban Infrastructure & Governance for select 65 Mission Cities
2.    UIDSSMT: Urban Infrastructure Development for Small & Medium Towns
These programmes include projects in transport and basic services like water supply, sewerage, drainage and solid waste management.  
The Mission has completed its normal tenure on 31-3-2012. Government has extended the mission for a period of two years i.e. up to 31-3-2014 for completion of ongoing reforms and projects.
New projects are also being sanctioned in the transition phase, 28 new projects were sanctioned during the transition phase March 2012 –March 2014 (as on Nov 2013)   under UIG while 174 projects were sanctioned for UIDSSMT for the same period.
Out of 539 UIG projects sanctioned in Phase-1 (March 2005-March 2012), 217 have been physically completed till Nov 30, 2013. Similarly, till Nov 30, 2013, 322 projects are in various stages of completion with nearly Rs 46, 000 cr worth of physical works having been implemented. And out of 806 UIDSSMT projects sanctioned in phase-1, 413 have been physically completed till Nov 30, 2013. Similarly, till Nov 30, 2013, 393 projects are in various stages of completion with nearly Rs 11, 000 cr worth of physical works having been implemented.

Jn NURM & Reforms
One of the main aims of JnNURM is to help in urban renewal but in a manner which is sustainable in the long run. Therefore, insistence on state and urban level reforms is an essential component of the programme. A total of 23 reforms were mandated.
 The level of reforms has now touched 78% (upto Oct. 31, 2013) from a level of only 9% in pre- JnNURM period. At present, the number of states/UTs showing more than 85% reforms stand at 11, 12 States/UTs have carried out between 70-85% required reforms, while 8 of them have shown upto 50% reforms. High performance on reforms  states include Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, UP, Rajasthan,  Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh among others.  Some of the states showing less than 50 % reforms are of North-Eastern Region.
Capacity Building
Evaluation exercises undertaken of JnNURM Phase-1 by various appointed committees and agencies have unanimously pointed to the large capacity gap plaguing urban local bodies as the primary impediment to speedy implementation of projects and reforms. Accordingly, it was decided that ULBs shall be empowered by building capacities in terms of human resources, infrastructure, procedures and systems to effectively deliver basic services to the citizen. So, funds are being sanctioned under JnNURM for capacity building from the current year onwards. 19 proposals of capacity building were received, out of which 13 proposals worth Rs 627 cr have been approved as on Oct, 2013.
Achievements and Initiatives of the Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises for the year 2013
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector is a vibrant sector which nurtures entrepreneurial talent besides providing employment to millions of people across the country.  The sector contributes significantly to balanced and inclusive growth of the economy through mobilization of capital and entrepreneurial skills.   MSMEs are important for helping the country achieve 8% plus growth of the economy with enhanced equity in distribution of income and therefore, are considered as engine of growth in the economic development of the country. For the promotion and development of this sector, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has been implementing various programmes and schemes. The major achievements so far, during 2013-14 are as follows:  

Procurement Policy
            The Government of India notified Public Procurement Policy for MSEs, vide Order dated 23.3.2012 (effective from 1st April, 2012), for goods produced and services rendered by Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs). The policy mandates that all the Central Ministries / Departments / CPSUs shall procure minimum of 20% of their annual value of goods / services required by them from Micro and Small Enterprises.  Further, policy has earmarked a sub-target of 4% procurement out of this 20% from MSEs owned by SC / ST Entrepreneurs. 
 The policy has been circulated to all the Central Ministries / Departments / CPSUs for successful and effective implementation and the policy along with other related documents is available on the office website. All the Chief Ministers of State Governments have also been requested by the then Minister for MSME, to formulate similar policy for Micro and Small Enterprises in their States as per the provisions in MSMED Act, 2006.   Queries / doubts raised by the Ministries / Departments / CPSUs for implementation of the policy are clarified from time to time. According to available data, 32 CPSUs have made procurement, more than 20% from MSEs in 2012-13.  
For developing MSEs Vendors, all the Ministries / Departments / CPSUs have been requested to organize Vendor Development Programmes (VDP) and buyer-seller meets between MSE- suppliers and government- procuring agencies. In 2012-13, 51 CPSUs organised 299 VDPs for MSEs. The Office of Development Commissioner (MSME) through its field offices i.e. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – Development Institutes has planned for the year 2013-14 to organize over 50 National Vendor Development Programmes and 350 State Vendor Development Programmes throughout the country in order to develop MSE vendors with a budget allocation of Rs 5.00 crore for 2013-14.  

MSE- Cluster Development Programme
            The Ministry of MSME has adopted the cluster approach for holistic development of micro and small enterprises in a cost effective manner.  Soft Interventions(such as diagnostic study, capacity building, marketing development, export promotion, skill development, technology upgradation, organizing workshops , seminars, training, study visits, exposure visits, etc.) , Hard intervention (setting up of common Facility Centres) and infrastructure upgradation(create/ upgrade infrastructural facilities in the existing industrial/ clusters of MSEs).

            A total of 848 interventions in various clusters spread over 28 States and one UTs in country  have so far been taken under the programme for Diagnostic study, soft and hard  interventions. The efforts under the scheme are focused on covering of more and more clusters from all States / UTs. So far sanctions of Rs. 18.30 crore have been issued till 30th November, 2013 during the current financial year under MSE-CDP. To ensure transparency and speedy implementation of MSE-CDP, online application system has been started from 1st April 2012.

National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme
            The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) for the MSMEs, aims at enhancing the competitiveness of enterprise in this sector. There are various components of the NMCP, which have been approved and are available for MSMEs. These are:-

·           Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS) for MSMEs
·           Design Clinics Scheme for design expertise to MSMEs manufacturing sector
·           Marketing Assistance and Technology Upgradation Scheme for MSMEs
·           Enabling manufacturing sector to be competitive through Quality Management Standards (QMS) and   Quality Technology Tools (QTS).
·           Technology of Quality Upgradation Support for MSMEs
·           Promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in MSME sector.
·           Building Awareness on Intellectual Rights for MSMEs
·           Scheme for Providing Support for “Entrepreneurial and Managerial Developments of SMEs through        Incubators”.

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
            A national level credit linked subsidy scheme, namely, ‘Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)’was introduced in August 2008 by merging erstwhile PMRY and REGP schemes of this Ministry during the four terminal years of XI plan (2008-09 to 2011-12) for generating an estimated 37.38 lakh additional employment opportunities. An outlay of Rs. 8060 crore including Rs. 7800 crore as margin money subsidy for PMEGP in the XII Plan has been approved by the Planning Commission. Since inception in 2008-09 to 2012-13, 2.21 lakh units have been assisted with margin money subsidy of Rs. 4147.95 crore to create employment for an estimated 20.34 lakh persons in the country. Under this programme, financial assistance is provided for setting up of micro enterprises each costing upto Rs.10 lakh in service sector and Rs.25 lakh in manufacturing sector. The assistance is provided in the form of subsidy upto 25 per cent (35 per cent for Special category including weaker sections) of the project cost in rural areas while it is 15 per cent (25 per cent for Special category including weaker sections) for urban areas. For 2013-14 an outlay of Rs 1418.28 crore has been earmarked for the scheme. The Guidelines of the schemes are available on the website of the Ministry of MSME. 
Skill Development
            Skill Development has been taken up as a high priority area by the Ministry through various measures like enhancing the training capabilities of the Tool Rooms, MSME Development Institutes and other organizations under Ministry of MSME. The range of training programme is enormous, covering grass root level programmes related to traditional rural industries/activities to high-end, high tech programmes on CNC machines and other high end technologies. The agencies under the Ministry of MSME conducted programmes for skill development for nearly 5.51 lakh tarinees during the year 2012-13 and the target set for 2013-14 is 6.5 lakh persons.   The Ministry of MSME provides all such trainings for SCs/STs free of cost. Special programmes are organized through MSME-DIs for weaker sections of the society viz., SC/STs, women and physically handicapped free of cost besides providing a monthly stipend of Rs. 125/- per week per candidate during the entire period of training.

Credit Guarantee Scheme 
            The Government is implementing the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises with the objective of facilitating flow of credit to the MSEs, particularly to micro enterprises by providing guarantee cover for loans upto Rs.100 lakh without collateral / third party guarantees. For making the scheme more attractive to both lenders as well as borrowers, several modifications have been undertaken which, inter alia, include: (a) enhancement in the loan limit to Rs.100 lakh; (b) enhancement of guarantee cover from 75% to 85% for loans upto Rs. 5 lakh; (c) enhancement of guarantee cover from 75% to 80% for MSEs owned/operated by women and for loans in North Eastern Region (NER); (d) reduction in one-time guarantee fee from 1.5% to 1% and annual service charges from 0.75% to 0.5% for loans upto Rs. 5 lakh and (e) reduction in one-time guarantee fee for NER 1.5% to 0.75% etc.

         As on 30th November, 2013, cumulatively, 13,13,751 proposals have been approved for guarantee cover for a total sanctioned loan amount of Rs. 64452.61  crore. 
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS) Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises
             The scheme was launched in October-2000 and revised from 29.9.2005. The revised scheme aims at facilitating technology up-gradation of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) by providing 15% capital subsidy (limited to maximum Rs. 15 lakhs) for purchase of Plant & Machinery. Maximum limit of eligible loan for calculation of subsidy under the scheme is  Rs. 100/- lakhs. Presently, 48 well established and improved technologies/sub sectors have been approved under the Scheme.

            The CLCS Scheme is implemented through 10 nodal banks/agencies including SIDBI, NABARD.

Marketing Assistance Scheme
            The main objectives of Marketing Assistance Scheme are to enhance the marketing competitiveness of the micro, small and medium enterprises to provide them a platform for interaction with the individual / institutional buyers, to update them with prevalent market scenario and to provide them a forum for redressing their problems. The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), a public sector undertaking under the administrative control of this Ministry, acts as a facilitator to promote marketing efforts and enhance the competency of the MSMEs for capturing the new market opportunities by way of organizing / participating in various domestic & international exhibitions/trade fairs, buyers-seller meets, intensive campaigns/seminars and other marketing promotion activities.
            An amount of Rs.19.25 crore has been allocated in the Budget estimates for 2013-14 for this activity which is   targeted to support participation in international and domestic exhibitions/trade fairs and buyer-seller meets and marketing campaigns.  
Performance and Credit Rating Scheme  
The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), a public sector undertaking under the Ministry of MSME has been implementing “Performance & Credit Rating Scheme” for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) on behalf of the Government. The scheme is being operated through seven accredited rating agencies i.e. CRISIL, SMERA, ONICRA, CARE, FITCH, ICRA and M/s Brickworks. The scheme is aimed to create awareness amongst micro, small & medium enterprises about the strengths and weakness of their existing operations and to provide them an opportunity to enhance their organizational strengths and credit worthiness. The rating under the scheme serves as a trusted third party opinion on the capabilities and creditworthiness of the micro, small & medium enterprises. An independent rating by an accredited rating agency has a good acceptance from the Banks/Financial Institutions, Customers/Buyers and Vendors. Under this Scheme, rating fee to be paid by the micro, small & medium enterprises is subsidized for the first year only and that is subject to maximum of 75% of the fee or Rs. 40000/-, whichever is less.
            BE for 2013-14 is Rs. 70.00 crore and it is targeted to support rating of 20000 MSEs during the year.

International Cooperation Scheme 
            International Cooperation(IC) Scheme is being implemented by the Ministry of MSME since 1996. Technology infusion and /or upgradation of Indian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), their modernization and promotion of their exports are the important objectives of the scheme.
The Scheme encompasses the following activities:
(i)         Deputation of MSME business delegations to other countries for exploring new areas of technology infusion/upgradation, facilitating joint ventures, improving market of MSMEs products, foreign collaborations, etc.
(ii)         Participation by Indian MSMEs in international exhibitions, trade fairs and buyer-seller meets in foreign countries as well as in India, in which there is international participation.
 (iii)      Holding international conferences and seminars on topics and themes of interest to the MSMEs.
                                BE for 2013-14 is Rs. 5.00 crore and it is expected that 400 entrepreneurs would be facilitated to         participate in 40 international events.
Assistance to Training Institutions
            Under the scheme assistance is provided to existing and new training Institutions for establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI) and strengthening of their training infrastructure on a matching basis. Ministry  provides assistance  on a matching basis, not exceeding 50 percent of the project cost or  Rs. 150 lakh whichever is less (90 percent or Rs. 270 lakh of the project cost whichever is less, for State level EDIs in Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands) excluding cost of land and working capital. The balance 50 percent of the matching contribution (10 percent for State level EDIs in Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands) should come from the concerned Institute, State/UT Government, public funded institution(s), NGOs/Trusts/ Banks/Companies/ Societies/ Voluntary organizations etc.

The assistance would be for creation of infrastructure. The land will have to be provided by the State Government or any other institution or by the applicant. Financial assistance would be for construction of building, purchase of training aids/equipments, office equipments, computers and for providing other support services e.g. libraries/data bases etc. The costs of land, construction of staff quarters etc. would not qualify for calculation of matching grant from the Central Government. All the proposals under this scheme are required to be recommended by and routed through the concerned State/UT Government.
             A new component of training has been added under this scheme, i.e.  assistance  would be provided under the scheme to following Training Institutions, for conducting Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) and Entrepreneurship cum Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs) and Training of Trainers (ToTs) programmes in the areas of Entrepreneurship and/or Skill Development:
·   National level EDIs (including branches),
·   Training Institutions established by Partner Institutions (PIs) of national level EDIs,
·   Training/Incubation centers of NSIC,
·   Training cum Incubation Centers (TICs) set up by Franchisees of NSIC
·   Other Training institutions with proven professional competency, capacity and experience, approved under the scheme.

            Entrepreneurship Skill Development (ESDP) training would normally be of 100 to 300 hours (1 to 3 months). Entrepreneurship Development (EDP) training would be of 72 hours (2 weeks) and Trainer’s Training for 300 hours.
            BE for 2013-14 is Rs. 102 crore and it is targeted to provide financial assistance to 2 existing/new EDIs and to train 1,05,000 persons.

Udyami Helpline
            A ‘Udyami Helpline’ (a Call Centre for MSMEs) with toll-free number 1800-180-6763 is in operation to provide information, support, guidance and assistance to first generation entrepreneurs as well as other existing entrepreneurs to guide them regarding various promotional schemes of the Government, procedural formalities required for setting up and running of the enterprise and help them in accessing Bank credit etc. The Udyami Helpline has become a useful tool for entrepreneurs and general public to gather information about various schemes of the Ministry.
Achievements of the Ministry of Mines During 2013
Geological Survey of India (GSI)
GSI added another feather in its cap by acquiring “Research Vessel Samudra Ratnakar”- an all weather ocean going ship designed to meet the fast-growing challenges of the modern geo-scientific oceanographic research. This research vessel, a state-of-the-art acquisition of GSI, was dedicated to the nation at Kandla Port, Gujarat on 12th October, 2013 by Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of Mines. This vessel, equipped with 27 major high-end instruments needed for geological, geophysical and geochemical explorations in the offshore areas with modern on-board laboratories is designed to carry out sea-bed mapping, mineral exploration and research activities in the deep waters.
The 3rd meeting of the Geoscience Advisory Council, the highest policy-planning forum to advise the Ministry of Mines and the Geological Survey of India in the matters of Earth Sciences was held under the Chairmanship of Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of Mines at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi on 27 February 2013.  Referring to the importance of mineral wealth vis-à-vis natural resources, the Minister requested the scientific community to suggest new areas and techniques for locating new and big mineral deposits. He also wished the experts to guide in locating new aquifers of clean water, free of toxic salts, for fulfilling the ever rising need of water for drinking and irrigation purposes for the prosperity of common citizens.
                During FS 2013-14 GSI has significantly augmented resource base of gold, basemetal, iron ore, manganese, phosphorite, limestone, gypsum, molybdenum and bauxite in the states of Rajasthan, Karnataka, Odisha, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Haryana.
As a follow-up to the decision taken by Technical Advisory Committee for Landslide Mitigation and Management, GSI – the Nodal Agency for Landslide Studies in India has conducted two Regional Workshops on Landslide Disaster management in June and November 2013 at Shimla and Shillong, respectively.
Assessing and Exploiting the Mineral Wealth in the Northeastern Region
                In the strive for augmenting mineral resources of North Eastern Region, the 8th Meeting to review the Progress of Ongoing Mineral Development Projects (OMDP) in the North-Eastern Region was held on 21st November 2013 at Shillong, Meghalaya under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Mines), which was attended by representatives from Ministry of Mines, North-Eastern Council (NEC), Geological Survey of India (GSI), Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL) and Directorate of Geology and Mining of the North-Eastern States. Some important decisions taken in the meeting include, providing portable XRF units to State DGMs by GSI, notifying GSI’s training programmes well in advance so that the state representatives can attend the courses without hindrance to their own programmes, etc.

Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM)
Mineral Production/ Trade
            The total value of mineral production (excluding atomic minerals) during 2013-14 has been estimated at Rs. 227176 crores. During 2013-14, estimated value for fuel minerals account for Rs. 155646 crores or 68.51% of mineral production.  The value of production of metallic minerals  stood at Rs. 37213 crores or 16.39% of the total value of production and non-metallic minerals including minor minerals contributed to Rs. 34317 crores or 15.10% of the total value. The provisional value of minerals and ores exported during the year 2012-13 (provisional) was ` Rs. 159747 crores whereas the value of import was Rs. 1124137 crores.

Achievements of IBM in 2013-14 (up to November, 2013)
             For promotion of conservation and scientific development of mineral resources and ensuring protection of mines environment in mining areas, IBM carried out 1, 508 inspections of mines for enforcement of provisions of MCDR 1988 and examination of MP/ MS, approved 111 Mining Plans and 449 Schemes of Mining. For upgradation and utilization of low grade and sub grade ores and minerals, IBM carried out 36 ore dressing investigations, 25, 723 chemical analyses, 1, 613 mineralogical studies. As a part of consultancy services on charge and promotional basis to mining industry on mining, geological and environmental aspects, IBM completed 3 Mining Research Assignments & 4 Technical Consultancy Assignments are in progress and conducted 12 training courses for IBM and Industry personnel.

Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)
            Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) has earned Profit After Tax (PAT) of Rs. 355.64 crore for the financial year 2012-13 which is highest ever since inception. The company has paid     Rs. 83.27 crore as dividend to the Government of India for the year 2012-13. Ore production in 2012-13 at 3.66 million tonnes is highest in last 13 years.
             The CCEA in its meeting held on 14.09.2012 has inter alia approved the disinvestment of 9.59% paid up equity (8,87,28,406 shares) of HCL out of Government of India holdings of 99.59%. The issue of HCL was opened on 23.11.2012 and 5,16,04,148 equity shares of the company (approximately 5.58% of the paid up equity capital) were sold through Stack Exchange mechanism. Subsequently, in the second tranche, the issue of sale of shares of HCL opened on 03.07.2013 and 3,71,19,152 equity shares of the company were sold through the Stock Exchange Mechanism, aggregating approximately 4.01% of the paid up equity share capital of the company and an amount of ` 259.55 crore approximately has been transferred to the account of Government of India Exchequer. At present the Government of India is holding 90% of the total paid up equity capital in HCL.
             The Company has rolled out mine expansion plan to increase production to 12.4 million tonnes by financial year 2017-18. The plan envisages of Malanjkhand, Khetri, Kolihan and Surda Mines; re-opening of Rakha and Kendadih Mines; & development of new mines namely Banwas and Chapri-Sidheswar.
 Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd (MECL)
MECL is a premier Public Sector Enterprise responsible for exploration of all major minerals like coal, lignite, iron-ore, copper, zinc, limestone etc., developmental mining in various remote parts of the country. Generally, exploration/developmental mining projects of MECL are located in remote areas.

Highlights of Achievements during 2013 (Upto November, 2013)
            MECL has submitted 30 numbers of Geological reports and added 2522.15 million tonnes of mineral reserves in National Mineral Inventory.

            MECL has paid Rs. 4.13 Crore as dividend to the Govt. of India for the year 2012-13. This is happening after a gap of 33 years.
 MECL has been conferred with ‘MINI RATNA (Category-II)’ status on 25th October, 2013.

Amalgamation of State Farms Corporation of India Limited with National Seeds Corporation Limited 
                The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal of the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture to amalgamate State Farms Corporation of India (SFCI) with National Seeds Corporation (NSC), both wholly owned (100% share) Public Sector Undertakings under this Department. The amalgamated entity will serve the interest of the farmers and the changing requirements of the Indian agricultural sector in a more effective way. 

The proposed amalgamation of SFCI with NSC would help Ministry in achieving its goal to provide quality, affordable seeds to every farmer even in the remotest parts of the country. This effort will ensure last mile availability of seeds at economical price for a large number of subsistence farmers in India. 

The amalgamation of SFCI with NSC is expected to leverage their combined assets and capital for increased production of quality seeds for the farmers. With the present growth rates, profitability and synergy, the combined turnover would increase from Rs.1180 crore to Rs. 2046 crore by the year 2017 and Rs. 3112 crore by the year 2020. The merged entity is expected to occupy the prime position in the Indian seed industry by year 2020.

Establishment of National Cancer Institute (NCI) at Jhajjar Campus of AIIMS, New Delhi in Haryana State
                The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal for setting up of National Cancer Institute at a cost of Rs.2035 crore. NCI will be set up in the Jhajjar campus of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi located in Badhsa village, Jhajjar, Haryana. The project is estimated to be completed in 45 months. 

This is a landmark step in the arena of cancer research in the country and shall lessen the deficit of tertiary cancer care in the Northern region. Cancer is emerging as a major public health concern in India, where every year 11 lakhs new cases are diagnosed, with a mortality rate of 5.5 lakhs per year. There has been a lag of cancer treatment facilities in India, compared to WHO standard; which requires one radiotherapy machine per million population. India at present has 0.41 machines per million population. Hence, setting up of this institute will herald a new chapter in the government initiative against cancer. 

NCI will operate on the lines of NCI, USA and DKFZ, Germany as a nodal center for indigenous research, promotive, preventive and curative aspects of care and human resource development. This institute is aimed to plan, conduct and coordinate research on cancers which are more specific to India; like tobacco related cancers, cancer of the uterine cervix, gall bladder cancer and liver cancers. The focus will be on understanding, analyzing the cause and genesis of the above cancers. This will further translate the knowledge gained to develop feasible strategies to improve cancer care services by improvement in detection, diagnosis, treatment and quality of life of patients. 

Indian-American Appointed Texas Secretary of State
                Attorney Nandita Berry has been appointed as the Secretary of State for Texas by governor Rick Perry, making her the first Indian-American to occupy this top position in the Southern State.In this position, effective January 7 onwards, Berry will serve as the state’s chief elections officer, the governor’s liaison on border and Mexican affairs, and Texas’ chief protocol officer for state and international matters.

Jayanthi Natarajan Resigns as Environment Minister
                Jayanthi Natarajan resigned as the minister of state for environment and forest from the Council of Ministers (COM) on 21 December .The President of India, as advised by the Prime Minister, accepted the resignation of Jayanthi Natarajan from the Council of Ministers.The Prime Minister advised the President of India that M. Veerappa Moily, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas shall be given additional charge of the work of Ministry of Environment & Forests.

Indian Scientists Developed Insulin Pill For Diabetics
                The Indian Scientists, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) developed insulin pill for diabetics.The Scientists developed a long-sought insulin pill that could spare millions of diabetics and soughed a way the delivery of insulin therapy from a jab to a pill.The experiments with rats, the pill lowered blood glucose levels almost as much as injected insulin and the effects of the pill lasted longer than injected insulin.The body’s digestive enzymes in the body are so good at breaking down food also break down insulin before it can get to work. In addition, insulin does not get easily absorbed through the gut into bloodstream. To solve these problem researchers from National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) in Punjab combined two approaches to shield insulin from the digestive enzymes and then get it into the blood.The team of researchers Ashish Kumar Agrawal, Harshad Harde, Kaushik Thanki and Sanyog Jain, packaged insulin in tiny sacs made of lipids or fats called liposome.Then wrapped the liposomes in layers of protective molecules called polyelectrolytes.To get absorbed and to transport the layersome across the intestinal wall into the blood stream they attached folic acid and a kind of vitamin B.

Election Commission Recognized Aam Aadmi Party As State Party
                Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) got recognition as a recognised state party and reserved symbol of broom in Delhi from the Election Commission on the basis of its performance in the just-concluded Delhi Assembly polls. The recognition to AAP, which is in the process of deciding on whether to form its government in Delhi with Congress support, came last evening after it fulfilled the laid criterion in this regard. As per laid norms, a party may be recognised by the Election Commission if it wins at least three per cent seats, subject to a minimum of three seats and at least six per cent of total valid votes. Aam Aadmi Party won 28 seats in the recently concluded Assembly polls in Delhi.

Cabinet Approved Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN
                The Cabinet on 19 December approved free trade agreement between India and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Agreement of Trade in Services and Agreement was signed under the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation (CECA) between and the ASEAN. The CECA between India and ASEAN was signed in 2003. The Cabinet approved the Agreement on Trade Goods under the CECA with the ASEAN in 2009.

Lok Sabha Passed The Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011
                Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011 was passed by the Lok Sabha on 18 December . Earlier, the Bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha on 17 December after some amendments. The most prominent of a clutch of anti-graft legislations on the anvil, the Lokpal bill seeks to establish a Lokpal at the central level and asks states to establish Lokayuktas within a year’s time from the date of notification of the law. The format of the Lokayukta will be left to the state assemblies to decide.

Puneet Kumar is new Secretary General of AEPC
                Puneet Kumar, a Kerela cadre IAS officer has been appointed as the Secretary General of Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC). Apparel Export Promotion Council is the apex body for apparel exports in the country. The post was vacant since April 2012. Amarendra Sahoo was the last secretary general.He is a 1993 batch officer and a graduate in mechanical engineering .He has worked in different capacities in departments like revenue, technical education, excise and agriculture in Kerala.

South India’s First High Altitude Cricket Stadium Inaugurated In Kerala
                Kerala Governor Nikhil Kumar inaugurated south India’s first high altitude cricket stadium at Krishnagiri in Wynad district of Kerala on 17 December. This is the second cricket ground in India after Dharamsala stadium to be located as such height.The stadium spreads over 4.4 hectares area and is situated at about 2800 feet above the sea level. The Kerala Cricket Association had invested 6.5 crore rupees for construction of the stadium.

Andy Murray Crowned BBC ‘ Sports Personality of the Year ‘
                UK Tennis star Andy Murray, the first British tennis player to win the Wimbledon in 77 years, was awarded with the ‘ BBC Sports Personality of the Year ’. Wales and Lions rugby star Leigh Halfpenny was awarded with the runner-up trophy and champion jockey Tony McCoy finished third in the same list.

Shivraj Singh Chouhan Sworn In As The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh
                Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who led BJP to its third straight victory in the Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election, was sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh on 14 December 2013. The Governor of Madhya Pradesh, Ram Naresh Yadav administered the oath of office and secrecy to him in Jamboori Maidan of Bhopal.He has sworn in as the Chief Minister for the third consecutive time.Shivraj Singh Chouhan is the 18th and current Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh.

Vasundhara Raje Sworn In As Chief Minister of Rajasthan
                BJP leader Vasundhara Raje , who led BJP to a landslide victory in Rajasthan Assembly polls, was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan for the second time.Vasundhara Raje was administered the oath of office and secrecy by Governor Margaret Alva during a grand swearing-in ceremony inside the Assembly building premises in Jaipur on 13 December. Vasundhara Raje is elected from Jhalrapatan (Jhalawar) constituency. She is the 22nd Chief Minister of Rajasthan state.
India Won Women’s Kabaddi World Cup 2013
India has won the women’s Kabaddi World Cup championship for the third time in a row, defeating New Zealand 49-21 in the summit clash in Jalandhar, Punjab on 12 December. Indian women’s team has won 2011, 2012, and 2013 editions of World cups.
Supreme Court Judgement On Homosexuality
                India’s Supreme Court on 11 December  upheld the constitutional validity of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code making gay sex an offence punishable with upto life imprisonment.A bench of justices G S Singhvi and S J Mukhopadhaya set aside the Delhi High Court’s verdict which had in 2009 decriminalised gay sex among consenting adults in private.The Supreme Court bench allowed the appeals filed by various social and religious organisations challenging the Delhi high court verdict on the ground that gay sex is against the cultural and religious values of the country.The Supreme Court ruled that there is no constitutional infirmity in section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, IPC which makes gay sex an offence punishable with upto life imprisonment.With the apex court verdict, the operation of penal provision against gay sex has come into force. The bench stated Parliament is authorised to delete section 377 of IPC but till the time this penal provision is there, the court cannot legalise this kind of sexual relationship.The court passed the order on a batch of petitions of anti-gay right activists and social and religious organisations against the Delhi High Court’s verdict decriminalising gay sex.The Delhi High Court had on 2 July 2009 decriminalised gay sex as provided in Section 377 of the IPC and had ruled that sex between two consenting adults in private would not be an offence

Scientist Created ‘Robotic Sperm’ To Help With Fertilisation and Drug Delivery
                Scientists have created the first ever “sperm-based biobots” by trapping single sperm cells inside metal nanotubes and remotely controlling their direction using magnets.The resulting biobot (a ‘biological robot’, referring to a bacterium or cell which has been programmed to behave in a certain way) could be put to a range of uses, including delivering drugs to a specific target in the body or fertilising an egg.The experiments have been led by Oliver Schmidt at the Institute for Integrative Nanosciences in Dresden, Germany. Schmidt and his team created magnetic nanotubes 50 microns long by 5 to 8 microns in diameter and dropped these into a fluid containing bull sperm.

Mysore Prince Srikantadatta Narasimharaja Wodeyar Died
                The last King of the erstwhile Mysore royal family, Srikantadatta Narasimharaja Wodeyar died in Bangalore on 10 December.Maharaja Srikantadatta Narasimharaja Wodeyar Bahadur also known as Srikanta Wadeyar was the last prince of Mysore Kingdom under Wodeyar dynasty.Wodeyar Dynasty ruled the Kingdom of Mysore between 1399 and 1950.Srikantadatta Narasimharaja Wodeyar was born in 1953. He was the only son of Maharaja Jayachamarajendra Wodiyar, the last ruling Maharaja of Mysore and his second wife Maharani Tripura Sundari Ammani Avaru.He succeeded his father as the head of the Wodeyar dynasty in 1974.He was elected as a Member of Parliament representing the Mysore Parliamentary Constituency four times as a candidate of Indian National Congress.Wodeyar was also a Fashion Designer and promoted Mysore Silk Sarees under his brand name called “Royal Silk of Mysore”.

Human Rights Day was observed on 10th December
                Human Rights Day was observed 10th December across the world to bring to light the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 2013 Theme of the day is “20 Years Working for Your Rights”.  The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. The United Nations General Assembly in December 1993 created the mandate of High Commissioner for the promotion and protection of all human rights. This year, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights marks 20 years since its establishment.

December 9th Observed as a International Anti-Corruption Day
                International Anti-Corruption Day is observed on 9th December across the world to raise awareness about the menace of Corruption and what people can do to fight it. The theme for the year 2013 is “Act against Corruption Today”. The day is observed on 9th December each year to raise awareness about the corruption. The UN General Assembly by resolution of 58/4 of 31 October 2003 designated 9 December as International Anti-Corruption Day. This decision aimed to raise people’s awareness of corruption and of the role of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in combating and preventing it.

Wipro Chairman Azim Premji Gets ET Lifetime Achievement Award 2013
                Wipro Chairman Azim Premji has won the Economic Times Lifetime Achievement Award 2013 for his role in creating India’s third-largest software exporter and also for the impressive scale of his philanthropy.Azim H Premji is an Indian business tycoon and philanthropist who is the chairman of Wipro Limited, guiding the company through four decades of diversification and growth to emerge as one of the Indian leaders in the software industry. According to Forbes, he is currently the fourth wealthiest Indian, and the 91st richest in the world, with a personal wealth of $17.2 billion in 2013.The 2013 ET Awards for Corporate Excellence were given in Mumbai on 9 December 2013. The ET Awards were decided by a jury headed by Anshu Jain, co-CEO of Deutsche Bank.

Venezuela’s Alyz Henrich Won Miss Earth 2013 Title
                Alyz Henrich of Venezuela has been crowned Miss Earth 2013 at the Versailles Palace, Philippines on 7 December. She was crowned with the pageant of Miss World by Tereza Fajksova, the Miss Earth 2012 from Czech Republic. This was the 13th edition of the annual Miss Earth.The runners-up are Miss Austria, who was crowned Miss Air, Miss Thailand won the Miss Water title and Miss Fire went to Miss Korea.This is the second time the title has been given to a beauty from Venezuela. Alexandra Braun had won the pageant in 2005.

Oxford Researchers Developed New Malaria Vaccine
                In a major scientific development, scientists at Oxford University have developed a new malaria vaccine which can guard against the deadly mosquito-borne disease.The vaccine has shown promising results in the first clinical trial in which some of the adult volunteers were completely protected against malaria.It’s the first time that a vaccine has been shown to have a protective effect through a sufficiently high immune response involving cells called CD8 T cells. It is CD8 immune cells that are seen to vanguard a protective response against malaria in similar studies in mice.

Ministerial Panel Recommended Bailout Package To Sugar Industry
                An informal group of ministers, headed by Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar, has on 6 December recommended a number of incentives to the sugar industry .The bailout includes 7200 crore rupees at 12 percent interest rate to sugar mills by the banks to pay off the arrears of the sugarcane growers. The 12 percent interest on the financial support on the loan will be paid by Government of India (GoI) and Sugar Development Fund (SDF). The GoI will pay 5 percent of the loan, while the 7 percent will be paid by the SDF. This makes the loan amount free of interest for the sugar mills. The ministerial panel was constituted by the Prime Minister. The panel has also recommended loan recasting for the mills as per the Reserve Bank norms, incentives for production for the raw sugar of up to 4 million tonnes and to set up the buffer stock besides doubling ethanol-blending in petrol to 10 percent. The government will set up an inter-departmental committee to implement the proposal of ethanol blending. Ethanol is derived by processing sugarcane.The panel has ruled out an immediate hike in sugar import duty. The sugar industry at present is facing a financial crisis due to higher cost of production and fall in the prices of sugar. This has led to 3400 crore rupees cane arrears from 2012-13 during the marketing year that ended in September 2013.

Football World Cup Winner’s Prize Money Rises To $35 million
                The 2014 World Cup champions will receive $35 million in prize money, world football’s governing body FIFA announced in Salvador on 6 December 2013.The value represents a 17 per cent increase in the prize money handed to Spain for winning the 2010 tournament in South Africa.FIFA will award the second placed side $25 million while the third will receive $22 million.Each of the tournament’s 32 teams will receive $1.5 million before the tournament begins to help cover their preparation costs.Brazil will host 2014 Football World Cup tournment.

Sri Lanka To Set Up 8 Economic Zones Across Country
                Sri Lanka’s Board of Investment has announced on 5 December plans to start eight export processing and industrial zones across the country.These economic zones will begin operations in 2014.As per the Investment Promotion Minister of Sri Lanka, Lakshman Yapa Abeywardana these zones will attract foreign investment and will provide economic development to the rural areas. The largest of the eight zones will be in Vavuniya in the North, which will revive the economic activities after the civil war.The three of the economic zones will be at Hambantota in the south. The Government of Sri Lanka has invested heavily to develop the region as a commercial and industrial hub.

India To Host Under-17 FIFA World Cup In 2017
                India was chosen as the host country for Under-17 FIFA World Cup in 2017 by the FIFA executive committee in its meeting at Salvador de Bahia in Brazil on 5 December 2013.By virtue of being the host country, India will take part in the 24-nation tournament for the first time in its history. This will be the biggest ever football tournament in the country as this is the first FIFA event in the country’s history.The tournament comprises 24 teams and it will be held in six cities across India Including New Delhi. The Union cabinet has sanctioned the 125 crore rupees for infrastructure development.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela Died
                Former South African President Nelson Mandela, who served 27 years in prison for anti-apartheid activities and led his continent into a new era, has died on 5 November in his house at Johannesburg. He was of 95 years old. Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Mvezo in Umtatu, then a part of South Africa’s Cape Province.Given the forename Rolihlahla, a Xhosa term colloquially meaning “troublemaker”, in later years he became known by his clan name, Madiba. He was the first black South African to hold the office of President from 1994 to 1999, and the first elected in a fully representative multiracial election.He joined the African National Congress in 1943. In 1964, he was charged with sabotage, sentenced to life.He was freed from the prison in 1990 .Mandela has received more than two hundred and fifty awards over four decades. In 1981, a panel of International Judges, Vienna, Austria, chose him for the Bruno Kreisky Award for merit in the field of human rights .He was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He was the recipient of Bharat Ratna and Mahatma Gandhi peace award.The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 18 July, Mandela’s birthday, as Mandela Day, for his contribution to the anti-apartheid struggle.

Scientists Discovered ‘Super Gene’ That Boost Rice Yields
                A group of international scientists from Japan and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Manila , has discovered a rice gene named ” Spike ” that can increase the production of indica rice varieties, which includes basmati, by up to 36% . Most of the rice produced in Southern Asia, including India and Thailand, is indica rice. The use of Spike in rice breeding could contribute to food security in indica-growing regions such as South and Southeast Asia.

World AIDS Day Observed On 1 December
                World AIDS Day was observed on 1 December 2013 across the globe to raise awareness about the HIV/ AIDS. The theme for the year 2013 is: Getting to Zero.HIV/AIDS remains a major global issue, having claimed more than 36 million lives so far since the discovery of the virus more than 20 years ago. According to the World Health Organisation, there were approximately 35.3 million people living with HIV in 2012. Since the inception of World AIDS Day in 1988, it has been observed on 1st December every year with different themes. The theme for this year is “Getting to Zero”- means zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.

Department of Posts launched ‘Express Parcel’ and ‘Business Parcel’ Services
                The Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications & IT, on 2 December launched an Express Parcel service and Business Parcel Services for speedy delivery of parcels across the country. The services were launched by Smt. P. Gopinath, Secretary, Department of Posts, at a function organized at New Delhi G.P.O. Express Parcel is a premium parcel service for retail as well as bulk customers. It offered time bound, safe and secure home delivery of parcels. To have minimal transit time these parcels will be given airlift wherever needed.Bulk customers would also have an economical option of surface transported ‘Business Parcel’. These two new parcel services aim to promote the e-commerce market in India by offering reliable and cost efficient delivery solutions. Whereas ‘Express Parcel’ is an air mail service providing guaranteed time bound delivery of parcels, ‘Business Parcel’ will provide fast, secure and cost efficient transmission of parcels through surface. These services will have ‘Cash on Delivery’ facility which has become a pre-requisite today for e-commerce parcels.

India Successfully Test Fired Nuclear Capable ‘ Prithvi -2 ‘ Missile
                India has successfully test fired its surface to surface ballistic missile Prithvi-ll from Chandipur in the Balesore district of Odisha on 3 December.The last user trial of Prithvi-II was successfully carried out from the same base on 7th and 8th October 2013.It was Inducted into India’s Strategic Forces Command in 2003, the Prithvi II missile is the first missile to be developed by DRDO under India’s Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme.

E-Inclusion: IT Training for Rural Sc/St/Women Beneficiaries’ Project Launched 

                The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, launched the ‘E-Inclusion: IT Training for Rural SC/ ST/ Women Beneficiaries’ Project here today. Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Communication & IT, formally launched the Project by releasing the Handbook titled ‘E-Literacy: Towards Empowering Rural India’ containing profiles of 50 beneficiaries who have successfully undertaken the basic IT training programme under the E-Inclusion project. Shri Sibal also felicitated ten beneficiaries by distributing certificates to them on the successful completion of the programme. Around 100 beneficiaries, which included young boys, girls and women, including the Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) attended the event from the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. 

The Project is part of the Government of India’s initiative under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) for creating a transparent and accountable governance model for enabling service delivery at the doorstep of citizens. To achieve this mission, DeitY has setup over 100,000 Common Services Centers (CSCs) on a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model. CSCs are the front-end delivery points for government, private and social sector services to the citizens of India. 

Shri Kapil Sibal mentioned that Digital Literacy is an enabler for empowering communities and providing them real freedom. The Government initiative for making one person in every family e-Literate is a step in that direction. This is in fact a revolution for enabling citizen’s participation in nation building. By making the girls and boys in rural India to become digitally literate, the Government is achieving the objective of empowering and enabling them to acquire information, knowledge and skills. This would also help in enhancing the employability of these young men and women. Besides this, this will go a long way in bridging the digital divide. He suggested that in this task we should also involve States, industry associations such as NASSCOM, NGOs and other stakeholders. He also mentioned various government projects that are in the pipeline like the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN), Aakash 4.0, etc. He was hopeful that NOFN will enable delivery of health, education, agriculture and other services in a seamless manner at the doorsteps of the citizens. 

Shri J. Satyanarayana, Secretary, DeitY, on this occasion mentioned that India stands at third position globally in the field of ICT. He spoke about the various dimensions of E-Inclusion – Digital Literacy, Financial Inclusion, E-Governance, E-Livelihoods and how to mainstream physically disabled into the digital movement. He stated that Government is actively considering to provide e-Literacy to 10,00,000 (10 lakh) men and women living in rural India at a cost of Rs. 100 crore. The CSCs will be utilized to achieve this target. This would cover one block in every State and one individual in every family will be made e-Literate.

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